



侠盗风云是一部评分5.0分的冒险动作喜剧剧情类型电影《侠盗风云》是1962年上映的法国冒险,动作,喜剧,剧情电影,导演是菲利普·德·布罗卡,主演包括让-保罗·贝尔蒙多,克劳迪娅·卡汀娜。In the 18th century, Louis de Bourguignon is working with the Malichot's gang, but their ways are too 'unethical' for him. He creates his own band, acting under the name of Cartouche, making audacious robberies of moxia.cc the rich people, and even distributing the takings with the poor. Thus, cartouche attracts the people's sympathies, Venus's love, and hate from the Police and Malichot... Cartouche can escape all the traps they set at him - except the entrapments of love. Eventually, he will be saved by a woman, at her own cost.

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