

  • 主演:NickArapoglouLaKetaBooker科科·布朗RobertBrowning
  • 类型:爱情喜剧剧情
  • 导演:WarrenPemberton
  • 地区:美国
  • 年份:2018
  • 时长:45分钟
  • 时间:2023-12-27 21:30:37



另一边是一部评分9.0分的爱情喜剧剧情类型电影《另一边》是2018年上映的美国爱情,喜剧,剧情电影,导演是Warren Pemberton,主演包括Nick Arapoglou,LaKeta Booker,科科·布朗,Robert Browning。When Gem (Erica Hubbard) decided to invite her long-lost friend to be the Maid of Honor in her wedding, Allen (Brad James), her fiancé, had no clue he'd be meeting Kiya (Altovise Lawrence), a wildly outspoken lesbian novelist. Though an aspiring writer himself, Allen finds not a friend in his new house-guest, but a rival for Gem's attention. Eventually, the soon-to-be husband discovers there's a lot more to the story than his fiancée explained.

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